A snappy pouch is so handy! I love how it keeps things inside and doesn’t add a lot of weight.
They are kind of fun to play with– the snappy action. These are great for making coin purses, card purses, wristlets and great for kids wallets!
There are a few things to know about using a measuring tape and getting them to work right.
Let’s go over a few things right now that will help you out a ton. This is such a simple thing to do, but there are some confusing parts and there is nothing worse then sewing along and then getting stumped on what goes where and how does that work again questions.
How to use Measuring Tape for Snappy Pouches~
1– Snip the corners of your measuring tape. They are sharp and will eventually poke through any fabric casing you will be using.
*make sure you aren’t using your best scissors. You are cutting through metal!
2– If you really feel insecure about just snipping the corners you can also wrap your tape ends in masking tape.
3– When you feed the tape into your casing, you will need to make sure that the pieces are in the right position. The number will be FACING each other. If you get this wrong the snappy won’t work.
4– You will need some kind of a pull to get it to open. Use a ribbon or make your own little prairie point piece for this.
5– Make sure when you are sewing the tape into the casing piece that you don’t catch the edges with your needle. Your needle can break or the measuring tape will get a nick which can be sharp and work through your material again.
Do you have any hints for sewing with a measuring tape for your snappy closure?
Are you ready to give a snappy closure a try? Here are some extra great pouch projects–
Snappy Pouch with an orphan quilt block

Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
I have a measuring tape I had my husband buy for me just to cut into snappy pouch closures. I’ve got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for later this morning that links to your tutorial:
I’ve made lots of snap bags using different patterns. My favorite is a pattern by Robin Gallagher. She has lots of pictures and suggestions. The most important one: pull all of your tape measure out. If you cut from the beginning, it may roll back into itself. I get my tape measures free using a hardware store’s coupon in the Sunday newspaper. I posted pictures of some snap bags on my blog last fall. They make great gifts.
After posting above, I was asked to leave a link to my bags. Here goes http://madebymeinred.blogspot.com/2014/05/click-it-bags.html
Thanks for sending your readers my way! – Suzanne @ Just Another Hang Up
Measuring tape directions? I have referred to several different tutorials for these snap pouches and have received instructions on the insertion of the tape. I have tried it your way and, while it works, the “snap” isn’t as secure. Did I understand your instruction? Also, are there different tape components that make a difference. I noticed that they are coated with Nylon or Polyurethane. Is this part of my problem?
I found that the measuring tape has to be a certain direction for it to snap and work correctly. That may be the issue. I don’t think that the coating will change anything.
You will probably have better luck with a better quality tape. I have tried the $ Store tape measures and they are light and flimsy, making for a less secure closure. It is somewhat better with 2 layers, but not a strong snap closure.