Learn quick and simple ways you can organize your orphan projects. Less searching, more time sewing.
When it comes to your orphan projects, they tend to start taking over everywhere they are!
They take over the shelf, the stack, a drawer…you name it. They spread quicker than anything I have found!
I’m kind of amazed that such simple things can make a big difference in how you store your projects. Plus, it also affects how you feel about them!
Overwhelm is a problem when you have so many on your orphan projects list. Keeping them organized, or having a system for them helps a lot!
You’ll find that you can be excited about them again once they are under control and organized a little better. Even picking one thing from the 5 to start with will help. Which one are you going to start with?
5 ways to Organize your Orphan Projects
1- Use a clear container, box or baggie to contain it all. Make sure the instructions are included!
Using a clear container is great because you can see inside and know what is there. Using flat top containers are best as they stack very well.
Baggies are ok, but they slide everywhere and aren’t that friendly for keeping rulers or templates (they make holes and get lost) if your project calls for one.
2- Use tracking sheets. These come in so handy when it comes time to work on the project. You can keep your place and know quickly what the next step is.
Keep two copies. 1- one in the project bag or container itself. 2- in a binder or some kind of folder that has all your projects listed or in order. You can quickly flip through the project sheets and remember what is next or choose the next project you want to work on.
3- Keep them organized by time. Are there projects you’d like done prior to others?
Make piles that are date or time related, the top being the one to completed first. This way, you don’t spend time working on something only to find out it isn’t needed for a long time and now you are hard pressed to complete another project.
4- Keep them organized by size. This one can seem silly, but maybe you can organize them by large, small, large, small.
This way you aren’t always working on large projects one right after the other! You get a quick win with a smaller project allowing you to feel good about what you’ve accomplished and can push forward and tackle a larger project.
5- Designate a space just for orphan projects. Know where they are. Know what they are. Make it easy to quickly grab a project and start working when you feel like it.
Nothing is fun about digging through a bunch of fabric or supplies to find a long lost project. You can use a better organization method like the ones mentioned above after you find them their own spot. But the least you can do is have a spot specifically just for them.
More Organizing your Orphan Project Ideas
Learn more about how to tackle those orphan projects and quilt blocks!
Get ideas, help and encouragement moving those orphan projects forward. We have a week long series featuring articles a challenge and tracking sheets all about orphan projects!
Click here to get all the details!
Love the Orphan Project Challenge?!
Check out the other posts in this series:
How do you keep your orphan projects organized? Share your ideas and suggestions in the comments below.
Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
Lisa says
I’m never sure just what should be kept in the particular project container. You mentioned rulers and such. Do you keep a pair of scissors or snippers in each? I understand the appropriate thread, instructions, materials. But what about the tools? Do they get included or do they have their own “place for everything and everything in it’s place”?
Becky says
If it’s something that requires a specialty ruler- and realistically you won’t be using that ruler for any other project- then I would put it with the project.
If you think you’ll be using the ruler outside of this project, then write on the project sheet or on the pattern exactly what ruler it is. Make any kind of notes you’ll need to recognize the ruler.
If the project is something that is hand work- I do tend to put everything in there. Like the needles, thread. If I’m currently working on it, then I’ll include more- scissors, glue or any other tools I’ll need.