A fabric yo yo is one of the must do’s on the list of quilting. It is a classic. They can be used to embellish really anyting.
What’s kind of fun is that they can be made into whatever size you want! The basic how to remains the same, but the size will depend on the circle you start with.
Fabric Yo Yo Templates~
There are some sizes that are the go-to size when it comes to yo yo’s. This printable template includes: 3 inch, 2 inch, 1 1/2 inch and 1 inch. This is the FINISHED SIZE!!!
When sewing yo yo’s, the template will need to be a bit over double the finished size.
Included with the template is the whole tutorial with images on how to make them….just in case you’d like it in pdf form.
Fabric Yo Yo Tutorial~
Print off templates and cut out. Lay on wrong side of fabric, pin and cut out fabric.
1) Taking a needle and thread {with a knot at the end} start a running stitch. Fold over that outside edge to the inside about a 1/4″ and then do the stitching. This will hide the raw edge inside the yo-yo perfectly. Continue stitching all the way around the circle.
2) Pull the thread tight cinching up the center.
3) Cinch the center tight and take the thread to the back. Stitch a few times {it won’t show} and tie a knot.
*If you don’t want the thread to show on the backside, hide the knot inside the yo yo.
4) Fiddle with the shape until the hole is centered and all the edges are pushed out.
If you have a bunch of them all sewn up….. here’s a quick how to– applique yo yo’s.
Now that you have your Fabric Yo Yo all sewn up….how about making a few mongo ones for a yo yo pillow project!
What size of yo yo is your favorite? What kind of projects do you have with them?
Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
Ren says
This is a great tute! I’d love to see you join us at the Inspire Us Thursdays link party on http://www.theinspiredwren.com.
Skye LoVecchio says
i’m working on a yoyo quilt, dozens and dozens of the things, all sewn, and sewn together by hand! eventually my colourful squares will get sewn together with white boarders but i’ve only got half a dozen so far (5×5. yo yos are finished size about an inch) https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_akRpcoprlAT0FEM0ZFNkw0c2s&usp=sharing
Tamyra Gates says
My grandma made throw pillows with these while I was growing up. We lost her in December ’16 at 101 years.
charlotte says
they are beautiful ,but how is there a hole in the back?
Becky says
when you pull the threads they all meet in the center- leaving a hole. the edges of the fabric are turned under and not raw, so it looks finished.
Joann says
Link no longer works for templates.