The time has come when the wind is blowing and the cold is sneaking in through the cracks. One crack that I have is a pretty big one.
It’s at the bottom of my Sewing Cottage door.
The door itself is pretty drafty. The wood outside is sprinkler and weather worn. There are ripples everywhere {which makes a pretty good backdrop for patterns}, and I am thinking at one time there was glass, but those have been covered up and broken.
Anyways-So, this big gap at the bottom lets this breeze in. There is a constant stream of fresh air. During the summer that is pretty nice. At this time of year. It’s chilly!
Today I am going to end the draft and make me up a door draft blocker
Because we are making ours out of Quilt Blocks, you will need to sew a few of them together to make it long enough. Then cut to size stated in step 1.
And yes, I am fully aware that after I sewed this cute under door draft guard..say that 10 times! that I used WHITE QUILT BLOCKS!! Not sure what I was thinking on that one. I am not sure how long the background of these cute blocks will last. So- pick your quilt blocks wisely!
Steps for sewing your own door draft stopper:
1) Cut a long tube of fabric– approximately: length of door- I cut my piece 34″ long X 8″
2) Fold in half the long way- right sides facing
3) Sew along the two ends and the long side– leaving a 2 1/2″ opening for turning. If you want box ends- follow these tutorials, then continue
4) Turn right sides out and stuff firmly. I used poly pellets {those are the little plastic balls you can stuff dolls and plushies with} You can use sand,rice, beans or crushed walnuts for weight {so the draft doesn’t blow it away}
5) Stitch the opening closed with a ladder stitch.
Because my door opens up to stairs, I decided to nail it to the door. Yeah, not the best thing to do. But, I wasn’t worried about the door, I was just trying to keep it in place because when I leave, the door draft stopper falls to the lower step, thus not doing it’s job.
And, yes- that’s batting hanging out the left side of the door. I have been using that as a draft stopper on the sides. It seals it pretty nicely, but has come loose at a few points- thus the sticking out piece. Time to tack it back down!
This is part of the 52 UFO Quilt Block Pick Up seriesneed more ideas on what to do with your UFO Quilt Blocks? previous weeks and UFO Quilt Block ideas
If you are sewing along with us and making up something with your UFO Quilt Blocks {even if you find your own way of sewing them together} we would all love a little peeksee!
Post them in the UFO Quilt Block Photo Gallery.
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Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
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These are wonderful! The only thing I did a little different was I used iron on plastic ( if you can’t find that you can use clear contact paper) around mine. This allowed me to clean it when it got a little to dirty, and it slides easy for me. Thanks for your great idea on the Door Draft Stopper!
So I’m modifying it to be on both sides of the door with a piece as wide as the door is thick connecting it.
It will be similar the ones that are sold “as seen on tv” style lol
This way they’re secure and I know those pesky drafts won’t be sneaking in.
I like this draft stopper and I think your door is charming -sorta shabby chic…Don’t apologize for something others pay an artist to paint on a new door!:)
Wow, such a good idea. I actually love your work and I also need some door draft stopper for my house. Your all of these tips really help me. I am so glad. Keep it up more share.
I made a couple draft dodgers similar to this to use up small scraps but I stuffed a plain tube with the pellets and used the pieced scrap piece to cover like a “pillow case.” This way the outside cover can be washed when I want.