Materials Needed:
8– 4″ X 4″ – center half square triangles
8– 2 1/2″ X 2 1/2″ corner half square triangles
16– 2″ X 2″ corner squares
8– 4 1/2″ X 4 1/2″ – light flying geese background
8– 6″ X 6″ – light flying geese points
8– 4″ X 4″ – center half square triangles
8– 2 1/2″ X 2 1/2″ corner half square triangles
16– 2″ X 2″ corner squares
8– 4 1/2″ X 4 1/2″ – light flying geese background
8– 6″ X 6″ – light flying geese points
Small Star Blocks instructions~
1- Draw a line on the WRONG side of the light 4 squares from corner to corner diagonally
2- Lay right sides together, the light and dark 4 squares
3- Sew on both sides of the drawn line 1/4 seam
4- Cut on the drawn line and iron
5- Trim to 3 1/2 X 3 1/2
- Repeat the process with the 2 1/2″ squares to make 32 half square triangles – Square up to 2″ X 2″
Dark Flying Geese instructions~
You can find a full video tutorial on this process here.
Use the 4 1/2″ and 6″ dark squares for the smaller flying geese units:
1- Lay right sides together, the smaller square on top of the larger square
2- Draw a line from corner to corner diagonally- on the wrong side
3- Sew on both sides of the line 1/4″ seam
4- Cut on the drawn line
5- Iron
6- Lay them together again- right sides facing with the darks opposite of each other
*DO NOT line up the center seam. You will be lining up the OUTSIDE edges only
7- Draw another line from corner to corner on the wrong side- the line will go right across that seam
8- Sew on both sides of the line 1/4″ seam
9- Cut on the drawn line
10- Iron well
11- Square up your flying geese to 2″ X 3 1/2″
Light Flying Geese instructions~
You can find a full video tutorial on this process here.
Use the 4 1/2″ and 6″ light squares for the smaller flying geese units:
1- Lay right sides together, the smaller square on top of the larger square
2- Draw a line from corner to corner diagonally- on the wrong side
3- Sew on both sides of the line 1/4″ seam
4- Cut on the drawn line
5- Iron
6- Lay them together again- right sides facing with the darks opposite of each other
*DO NOT line up the center seam. You will be lining up the OUTSIDE edges only
7- Draw another line from corner to corner on the wrong side- the line will go right across that seam
8- Sew on both sides of the line 1/4″ seam
9- Cut on the drawn line
10- Iron well
11- Square up your flying geese to 2″ X 3 1/2″
Block instructions~
Lay the block out in the following– all the blocks can be completed this ways (they’ll be moved around for placement later)
- make sure you place the half square triangles the correct direction so it looks like the square is cut in half diagonally.
- you’ll have 16 blocks
- square up blocks to 6 1/2″ X 6 1/2″
Set aside the other blocks not used- they will become the centers for the next set of larger blocks!
Here is the finished quilt~
Visit here for all the steps in the Summer Solar Eclipse Quilt Along.
If you are interested in sewing along
- Join the free facebook group for sharing your progress, chatting about options and asking questions is you have any while sewing. It’s open 24 hours and there is always an answer waiting for you. Share your fabric choices with us!
- Sign up for reminders, don’t miss one of the steps! You’ll get a quick email with the info on the next step and links to find the video helps and posts so you can keep up.
Share your progress in the free fb group, there will be posts to share plus you can check out how others are sewing along as well!
Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
Sharon Hughson says
It took me to block 6 to realize the problem I was having with my flying geese. I always thought the goose was the center larger triangle and the ‘wings’ were the smaller triangles on each side. I think you post the opposite. The goose for you are what I consider background. So I have been confused and made my colors opposite and had to start over. Now I have it and life is easier in my Summer Solar Eclipse. Thanks for a great pattern. I really like this one.
Jacque says
What’s supposed to happen to the other 8 blocks? It looks like there’s only 8 of these small “split†blocks, not 16. I seem to have lots of extra pieces. I’ve completed some of the blocks…center, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 & 8 so I haven’t been a total slug. (Yes, I am still working on this, too many quilts interrupted me.)
I do really love the way this looks and the future owners will love it as well.
Becky says
they will all fit— it is tricky to see, but just keep sewing away and you’ll find the spots for them. Can’t wait to see if finished!