Last year while putting together a pile of inspiration for doll quilts for the quilt group…. I found one that caught my eye.
It was a hexagon doll quilt….but for some reason I just couldn’t figure out why it was just a little bit different from the rest of the hexagons that I had seen around.
Finally it occurred to me that the hexagons were stretched!
The elongated hexagon.
What? How fun is that?! Of course this had to be done…..
Materials Needed:
printed hexagon templates
blank or scratch paper
fabric for your hexagons
pencil or small point marker
Basic Instructions:
The process is the similar to a regular hexagon template.
You’ll start off with one — and then you’ll be adding a few together (taping to secure) in a line so they get longer and longer.
I ended up using 3 hexagons in a row for the shape I liked. You can kind of play around with it and find a length you like.
This is an easy process since you are using your original hexagon as the template and building on that.
After you make one new elongated hexagon template, you trace that onto paper multiple times.
Then you copy and print off as many as you need and cut out the hexagon templates.
Super simple and I love that you can customize the length of the whole thing.
Along with the stretched hexagon doll quilt, I have made a few other doll quilts this year as well– for me, it’s been all about learning how to stitch small.
Elongated Hexagon Video:
Looking for a hexagon template? Clickety click here for your own printable hexagons.
For more videos – hints, tips and tutorials…check out the quilt videos page. Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss any new ones!
If you are interested in the pattern for the doll quilt (along with all the other patterns and private community) come join the quilt group. More projects than you’ll have time with a community that’s open 24/7.
What fun things have you done with your hexagons?

Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
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