It’s getting close to the time when you’ll need to organize your quilt group year! Are you ready?
Having a local quilt group to attend is one of my favorite parts of quilting. Getting together on a monthly basis to hang out, learn something new, explore a technique and of course make friends is the best.
While they are so great, keeping them organized is something of a struggle!
There are a lot of moving parts to the quilt group- board members, payments, budget, libraries, swaps, quilt alongs, sign up’s and more!
So, how do you organize your quilt group?!!!
5 Ways to get your quilt group organized:
1- Keeping a binder is usually what happens and works really well. It helps keep all the papers together, organized and helps you keep up to what’s happening monthly. Whether you design and come up with your own, use a spiral notebook or grab the full quilt group binder here- something is better than nothing and it really does help to have everything in one place.
2- Come up with a system – every month to keep track of everything happening in the group. Every month – the week before the meeting, I pull out my papers and review what’s needed for the meeting. Is there any copies that need to be made? Who needs a reminder of what they are in charge of, or helping with…etc. Keeping on top of those things really does help!
3- Ask for help! Nothing is fun about doing everything yourself. Find others in the group to help with specific things- like swaps, challenges, retreats, sewing days or monthly activities. Getting the other members involved really helps keep people interested in the group, and of course helps with the time you are spending on prep and organize.
4- Planning meetings- you’ll find that having a quick meeting before, after or in a fb group or lunch date will help alot! Keeping up with those that are helping and knowing what’s next on the to do list is very important. Planning meetings are great for getting everyone involved on the same page. One group that I’m involved in uses a private facebook group, another just uses email and texts. Use what is convenient and easy.
5- Plan ahead – I cannot emphasis this enough. Planning ahead has saved my bacon when I was quilt group president a lot of times. Take the time at the beginning of the year to lay the year out. Fill in those things that happen every year. Example: our group has a summer dinner, a Christmas party, a charity sew and a retreat- every year, because of this, I now only have to plan 8 or 9 meetings! Also, we usually have a trunk show for one meeting and a mini quilt swap….so now it’s down to 5 meetings. Looking ahead and putting those on the calendar will help you not feel totally overwhelmed with what to do and how many ideas you need to come up with!
the ultimate way to keep your group organized~
To help with planning your quilt group year, I’ve put together an Organize your Quilt Group Binder!
After getting started with a few pages, it kind of grew and grew and now has over 70 printable pages for your group to use- over and over again!
The pages are a collection that you can use for either the group as a whole and individual. Example- there is a whole page sign up for swaps, and another page which can be cut into 2 for each person to take home (it has all the info about the swap- they fill it in).
So, not only is the group able to keep track of things and keep organized, but the members can as well!
There are also fun things that you can print and share with the members- like resource cards which help you remember how big quilts are, cut sizes of precuts, etc… and there is even a quilt bingo game included!
Organize your quilt group year will be so easy with this collection of printables!
You’ll be able to save the pdf to your computer, print what you need, share what you’d like and build an organized group binder to use during the year!
What you’ll want to pick up if you don’t have already:
- Calendar
- Attendance tracker
- Year at a glance
- Monthly agenda
- Meeting signups
- Members list and directory
- Monthly meeting info
- Notes & blank trackers
- Swap, quilt alongs, challenges sign up
- Expenses & budget
- Library tracker
- Binder tabs, cover sheet
- Reference printables- for members
- Reference cards – for members
- and so much more!
The Quilt Group Binder also includes: quilt bingo game, quilters cheat sheets, pocket cards for quick reference…etc. These are great for handing out to members and using them as fun extras for meetings.
I know that everyone is busy. Our lives are busy. While it’s wonderful to have a quilt group that you attend, it can be totally overwhelming to be the president or someone on the board helping out.
I’m hoping that these 5 ways to get your group organized is helpful- but would love to hear what you do to keep your meetings and projects under control in your groups.

Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
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