Even though there is snow on the ground— I still believe in Springtime!!! How about a quick tutorial on how to make the spring posies quilt block. It is a simple and easy pattern for beginners. Make them all matchy-matchy or get those scraps out for a scrappy patchwork crafts.
Give it try and maybe if enough of us make one we will speed the snow away and bring the sunshine back! Get stitching girls— I am tired of winter weather.
Spring Posies Quilt Block
Materials needed:
Center square— 9″ X 9″
Outside triangles— 10″ X 10″
green scraps for stems and leaf
scrap squares for your posies
Cut your circles:
2— 4 1/2 circle
1— 3 1/2 circle
* you can really do whatever size you choose though….try them out and do what you like.
1) Taking a needle and thread {with a knot at the end} start a running stitch. Fold over that outside edge to the inside and then do the stitching. This will hide the raw edge inside the yo-yo perfectly.
2) Pull the thread tight cinching up the center.
3) Cinch the center tight and take the thread to the back. Stitch a few times {it won’t show} and tie a knot.
4) Place yo-yo on the block and stitch along the outside edge. Just catch the edge so it doesn’t show.
This is what the back of the block will look like. See how you skip along on the back–not on the front.
5) Repeat with the other 2 yo-yo’s. The smaller of the 2 will be on the top, or play with the placement as you like.
6) Cut 3 strips of green fabric 1/2 inch wide X 10″ long. Place them below the yo-yo and meet them together at the bottom. Trim to the length needed. Stitch down the center by machine. Snip the edges so they will go all shaggy-like.
7) Cut 1 leaf and stitch just along the outside edge. This too will go all shaggy. It measures approx: 3″ long by 2″ wide or so.
8) Take the 10″ X 10″ square and cut 2 diagonels so you will have 4 triangles. Sew one to each corner of the square. The long sides will fit the edges. Make sure those edges run past the corners of the block. They will need to be there so the points won’t get cut off!

Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
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