Mason Jar Recipes are great holiday gifts. They don’t require any cooking time…just stuff the ingredients and go. I was thinking it would be kind of fun to dress up your jar just a little bit before you sent if off to your neighbors.
For this mason jar cozy I used one quilt block that I cut right in half. I wasn’t too worried about this as the quilt block wasn’t done in the best of manners. There were mistakes and some seams were off. Do you have quilt blocks like that sitting around? Those are perfect for this kind of project.
Materials needed:
Quilt Block 8″ X 8″ or one strip of fabric 4″ X 16″ {this size is really customizable- any size from 6″ – 9″ would work}
Flannel for the middle
2 Ribbons- 12″ & 24″
Backing- 4″ X 16″ -or customize if using a different sized quilt block
Mason Jar Cozy Instructions:
Cut your quilt block in half
Sew together to make a long piece
Cut backing and flannel the same size
Pin ribbons in the center of one end of the top piece
Layer the front and back- right sides together. Pin on top of flannel
Sew all the way around the cozy, leaving a 2″ opening for turning
Snip corners and turn right sides out
Iron and hand sew opening closed
Wrap around jar and tie in bow
Depending on your quilt block size and the ending length when you sew them end to end, they will overlap where the bow is. If the block is smaller, the wrap will be less or no wrap at all, which could be cute too.
I am sharing this in collaboration Craft Lightning -Holiday Edition. All week long they will have some super easy but way cute projects that you can get done- lightning fast.
Mason Jar Extras:
Now that you have your jars all cute– it’s time to fill them up and get them labeled and ready to go!
Labels for the lid {you can customize these! I was thinking the iceskating shoes with Happy Holidays on them}
More ideas for using mason jars
Do you use mason jars as gifts during the holidays? What do you put inside?
This is part of the 52 UFO Quilt Block Pick Up seriesneed more ideas on what to do with your UFO Quilt Blocks? previous weeks and UFO Quilt Block ideas and easy sewing projects.
If you are sewing along with us and making up something with your UFO Quilt Blocks {even if you find your own way of sewing them together} we would all love a little peeksee!
Post them in the UFO Quilt Block Photo Gallery.
If you’d like a little reminder in your email for the UFO Ideas and posts- Sign up for my weekly updates {includes a couple of free patterns right off the bat + anything new that I add. Lucky you!} Remind me of the 52 UFO Quilt Block Pick Up and other Sew Alongs!

Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
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