Sarah J. is one talented designer and I’m so excited to be introducing her to you!
The first thing you’ll love is her site- fearless with fabric….I’m a big fan of that name! It is so hard to cut and work with patterns and prints sometimes….or even to simply cut up our favorite fabric. But, the idea of being fearless is really what it should be all about. Trying new things. Exploring new techniques and being ok with our mistakes or miss-haps. Knowing that everything that happens should be exciting and all about learning and thinking outside of the box.
You’ll find her fabric lines fresh and fun, with wonderful colors and flower prints. Her latest prints- Prettiful Posies is a beautiful mix of flower and modern prints. Bridging the gap of generations I kind of think.
Her pattern this month Reverb does has a back story….and was recently hung in the AQS show in Paducah in April. You can find out more information here about the pattern and story for it.
Here’s a bit more about her:
Sarah’s love of quilting stems from her college days, when her mom sent her pink dogwood quilt to grace the bed in her first apartment. The quilt was a comforting reminder of her home in the Lake of the Ozarks, where the dogwood blossoms always signaled the start of spring.
A few years later, married and expecting her first child, Sarah caught the nesting bug. Inspired by the treasured dogwood quilt, she bought a Teach Yourself to Quilt book and crafted her first quilt. She continued to improve her skills through classes at local quilt guilds, as well as learning from gifted teachers throughout the United States, fully taking advantage of modern conveniences, such as rotary cutting and computer design, as they became available.
Today, Sarah is a fabric and pattern designer for Studio 37 Fabrics, a division of Marcus Fabrics, with countless quilts to her credit. Her work has been featured regularly in both McCall’s Quilting and McCall’s Quick Quilts for the past several years. Additionally, Sarah’s quilts have appeared in Make Modern, Simply Moderne, American Patchwork & Quilting, and Quilts & More, as well as many other magazines.
About the project for the quilt group:

-2 yards of pale blue
-5/8 yard of light blue
-3/8 yard of medium blue
-3/8 yard dark blue
Download the Pattern: member login here!
Scavenger Hunt BOM
(you can find all previous blocks here)
Tell us about your quilt block for the Scavenger Hunt:
Grab the quilt block here – member login here!
~ Enjoy her interview ~
How did you get your start in sewing?
I used a 1930s appliqued dogwood quilt as my bedspread in college and loved the look of the hand stitches and soft colors. A few years later, expecting my first child, I decided I needed a quilt for the baby’s room. I bought a “Learn to Quilt” book and materials and dove in.
What inspires you?
Do you have a favorite notion?
What’s coming up for you that we can check out~
Quirky or fun fact about yourself?
Where can you find her?

Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
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