This week for the UFO Quilt Block Pick up we are learning how to make a bib with your UFO's!
Bib Tutorial
If there are some UFO quilt blocks in your pile that aren't really worth remaking into a quilt top– or small wallhanging {you know the ones. horrible fabric, horrible piecing. just overall horrible} then this is the option for you! These will be used to wipe faces, messes, spaghetti, smashed yams, yummy green peas…. you know the drill. Of course after all this usage they will be washed, over and over again. No worries on running colors, points or size mistakes.
The things with these kind of bibs — they are absorbant! They soak up all the gooey yum and keep baby clean!
I will give you some starters on how to use the quilt block for the bib.
1) Get size that you need for the bib. Most of them have just a template, but use around a 10" X 10" piece. You can also print off the pattern {from the bib tutorials} and lay it out on your block
2) Add a few scraps to the sides of the quilt block to make it the right size. Notice in the photos that a lot of the bibs are pieced in two fabrics….so having a scrappy front with a random quilt block won't be any different!
3) Lay the UFO Quilt block, batting and backing. QUILT the pieces together. Your bib will last longer, wear better and be more absorbent. {see below above for quilting ideas– swirls, straight lines, spiral- all good and easy on a standard sewing machine}
4) Cut out bib with pattern and finish per instructions– if you are using minky or a soft backing, you can even if your front is quilted. When quilting, don't use the nice fabric on the back, use muslin.
Bib Tutorials for you to use–
Click –For previous weeks and UFO Quilt Block ideas
If you are sewing along with us and making up something with your UFO Quilt Blocks {even if you find your own way of sewing them together} we would all love a little peeksee!
Post them in the UFO Quilt Block Photo Gallery.

Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
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