This is the cutest pillow and so easy to do + it uses up your pile of scrap fabric and ribbon {who doesn’t have any of those?}
This pillow uses strips of scrap fabric, lace, ric rac…whatever you have laying around or tucked away. Don’t be afraid to try a few new combinations and different widths of the fabric strips too.
Materials needed:
* scrap fabric strips– any width, they should be the same length as the pillow you are makind
* ribbons, ric rac, lace or any other embellishment you would like to use.
* back ground fabric {cut to the size of the pillow}
Scrap Fabric Strips Pillow Tutorial:
* The pillow I started with was 16″ X 12″ so I had a background piece cut to 14″ X 32″
Fold your background fabric in half. Make a mark at the center point. Then measure 8 ” from this mark out, and mark again. Repeat for the other side. Making these marks shows you how wide you need to go with the strips. No sence in sewing extra ones on if they will show up on the back!
Start placing the fabric strips and sew them down. I use this fabric glue stick to keep them in place. Quick, easy and works great!
Continue adding strips, ric-rac, lace and anything else you like! Depending on where you stitch–close to the edges, or just in the center and pull threads to make is shaggy. Keep adding and adding until you have filled in between those 2 marks.
When you are all finished adding and sewing you can finish the pillow cover.
Take one end and fold it back 4 inches {wrong sides together}. Then pull this in until the outside edge is at the mark. The right sides will be together. Take the other side and fold on top of this making the fold at the mark again. {trim the end if needed–you don’t want it to go the full lenth of the pillow or you will have a devil of a time getting that pillow in!}
Sew across the top and the bottom. The sides are just fine, no need to sew them.
Trim those corners just a bit and turn right sides out. Fix those corners and stuff the pillow inside. If it isn’t a tight enough fit turn it back to the wrong sides again and make the adjustments.
Do you have scrap fabric to use for this project?
Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
Robin (rsislandcrafts) says
Love it! I have a couple pillow covers that I don’t particularly like. They would be a great base to add fabric and embellishments to. Now to just find the time to transform them lol.
.-= Robin (rsislandcrafts)´s last blog ..Owl Swap =-.
Dee Landree says
This looks like fun but I have lots of small triangle scraps from my husbands quilts he makes. I would love to find away to use them up. I am a embroiderer and don’t do much quilting. I have trouble matching my stitch lines so it would have to be something that is sort of wacky. Any ideas are appreciated. I have probably 5-6 totes full. Thanks for the help if you can. Dee Landree
Diana Louise Carter says
Thanks for makking this simple. One question, though. If you have a pillow form 16 inches wide, how is a background strip 32 inches wide long enough to cover the front, fold around to the back, overlap and still have enough fabric to fold over 4 inches on each end? Should the measurement, perhaps, be 42 inches?