It’s time everyone!! Time for Round Robin 2013– Winter Wonderland!
UPDATE: This blog post has been converted to an optional PDF that’s optimized for printing. Find it here.
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This year the Round Robin is going to be the best yet! I have rounded up a few past designers, plus some new…super duper talented ones! Everyone has designed in their own taste and talent a row for us to sew. We are responsible for picking fabric, sewing the rows with our own machine {no swapping or trading with this round robin}, and keeping up with everyone else! lol
This is technically the 5th Round Robin that I have hosted here on the blog. They have each turned out —wonderful! I have loved each one. Because the rows are designed by someone new, there is a great variety of technique, challenge, and ideas or patterns. I personally know what I have designed and only a handful of the others….so it is sort of a Mystery….even to me! {i do like a good surprise though and I am totally excited to see what they will come up with} I look forward to this quilt along every year, hope you do too!
Winter Wonderland — each designer will be interpreting this theme in their pattern for the row they are designing.
Sponsors for the Round Robin–
Welcome Quilt My Phone!! They are giving a 10″ neoprene zippered case that can hold an iPad or any other 10″ tablet, a Kindle or e-reader plus adapter cord, OR can be used to hold piecework for travel. The image on the case is from a vintage whole-cloth quilt from the 1880s. The case retails for $25.95.
Designers and Post Dates :
You will find all the links to posts and patterns here on the main page- kind of a quick list {updated as they are posted}
Click on the Images to go to the page with the pattern
UPDATE: This blog post has been converted to an optional PDF that’s optimized for printing. Find it here.
Did you know you can get –> All ‘Optimized for Printing’ Patchwork Posse Blog tutorials & Planner Sheets at your fingertips!? You’ll find more info here!
Rows will be posted on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Posts will be here on this blog- not on the designers blog {you are welcome to visit them though, as their links will be included in the post} First row will be up January 28th, with the last row July 9th.
At the very end I will share an additional post to help you figure out how to sew this row quilt together! The rows will be for the most part the same width, though they can vary in height. I will also give you some hints on adding sashing between the rows, maybe a border or too– and more. You will not be left hanging with a pile of rows…. you will get this finished!
Along with the posts here, you will find a little interview of the designer on spotlight. Including a few of their photos, designs and links so you can find out who they are and what they are all about. I love getting to know someone new…don’t you?!
Photo Gallery~
So we can all keep track of what we have sewn, there is a Flickr Photo Gallery set up for the Round Robin. This is a great place to post photos of your progress– from fabric choice to final finish. We want to see it all! {this truly is the only way we can share since we don’t live by each other- think of it as our spot for show and tell} I check it often and comment, so please share!
Spread the Word:
I would love for you to share the Round Robin Winter Wonderland with everyone! Take a moment and post it to twitter, facebook like it….. pin it. Whatever your social media specialty is. The more the merrier! I am setting up some sponsors, so a giveaway at the end will of course be included!
Grab a button:

UPDATE: This blog post has been converted to an optional PDF that’s optimized for printing. Find it here.
Did you know you can get –> All ‘Optimized for Printing’ Patchwork Posse Blog tutorials & Planner Sheets at your fingertips!? You’ll find more info here!

Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
OH cool I’m going to do this this year.
Cleary K.
Do I need to sign up for this, or will everything be posted here?
How do I sign up for this?
everything will be posted right here. If you subscribe to the email reminder, you won’t miss a post. Remember to post in the photo gallery so I can see what’s your Round Robin looks like too!
Looking forward to participating!
no signup required….just sew along!
Can’t wait!
I think I would like to give this a try – sounds like fun!
What is a Round Robin?Thanks
this one is a row quilt– a different designer comes up with the pattern that you sew with your own fabric. Fun to sew up what someone else designs…kind of a surprise too!
Ok let the fun begin! I hope I can keep up with this one.
I love this idea and am very excited to be a part of it..
So bring it on….
Thanks,I`d love to give it a try.Let`s the fun begin!!
Hi..I am planning on joining in the fun. I noticed that the first row was to be posted on the 27th which was yesterday, but in your instructions, you said they will be posted on the 2nd and 4th Monday. Since nothing was posted yesterday (the 27th) will you be posting the first row today (the 4th Monday)? Can’t wait to get started!
OK, I think I’ll do this one!!! I tried to grab a button, but it didn’t seem to want to cooperate. Anyone else have trouble or have advice? Fun!!
This looks fun and interesting. I would like to participate and am wondering how much fabric is required to complete the project? I have looked but don’t see the recommended amount. Please let me know so I am not behind- limited local resources, I rely on online fabric sources.
Thanks- Michelle
michelle- because this isn’t a pattern that is finished already {each designer coming up with their own pattern and supplies} there isn’t a materials list. I am using though 2 1/2 yards of background + a fat quarter pack that i had. Hope that helps. These are great to use scraps with….just keep adding fabric and it fits right in. 🙂
lois- right click on the button and you can save it or copy the url. does that help? i will work on getting one that you can copy/paste
yes jackie! sorry about the mixed up dates. i’ll go take a look at that. See you in february on the 2nd monday! 🙂
This time when I loaded the page there was script right there to copy. Don’t know what the deal was. But it’s done now. And I’m looking at instructions
How do I sign up to join the Winter Wonderland round robin?
hey nancy– no need to sign up. it’s a freebie! you can sign up for email reminders if you’d like so you can remember. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Hi…I can’t find the link for row number 4 of the round Robin Wintertime sew a long. Can you give me the link where I can find it so I can get it done? Thank you so much!
Hi again! Disregard my previous comment. I found the pattern! Having another senior moment! LOL!
yay! i just updated the main page with the links. that will help.
I was wondering if this quilt is going to be really long and narrow or are some of the next additions going to go onto the sides? I am really liking the quiltalong and nearly ready to post a picture of the row of trees. Thanks.
I just discovered your Winter Wonderland Round Robin and absolutely love it. How long will you leave the directions up? Around here, printed pages tend to meet an early demise unless I print them as I need them, LOL.
Thanks for a great pattern