A quilt label might be the easiest way to use a UFO Quilt block. Seriously. That is if you do a quilt label. Do you?
I don’t always remember to use them….unless they are going somewhere. Then I might. I know, I know…the quilt history police will be after me. But, I really don’t care. My goal is to flood the Earth with my quilts– no need to have a quilt label if everyone knows they are mine!
Don’t be afraid to use any kind of block. There are plenty of blocks that have background pieces and that is the perfect spot to add your info. No need to make something special for it, just dig around and find a block that matches the theme or color scheme of the quilt.
How to Attach a Quilt Label–
1) You can piece the blocks into the back {if you are piecing the quilt back} or you can use a seperate block and sew it on.
If you are sewing your label on you can add it before the quilting and it will be quilted on, or if you don’t like that you can sew it on after the quilting {covering up a little bit of those stitches} Either way will work. If you want your label to be on a specific corner though, make sure you tell your quilter so they can line it up properly.
2) Fold under all the edges 1/4-1/2″ and then stitch them down to the back
Hand stitch the edges of the label using a ladder stitch {tutorial found here}:
Or machine sew with a tiny zigzag stitch, but remember that if the quilt has already been quilted, the stitching will show on the front.
3) Use a sharpie or permament marker and sign your name, date, who it was quilted by, name of the quilt + any other information you might like to add. You can do this before you sew it down to make sure everything is spelled right also. I know there are a few of you with fancy sewing machines that do a beautiful job of embroidery– use it! Since I am not a fancy gal, I use a sharpie marker.
Now that you have the instructions down– How about some examples or quilt labels with your UFO Quilt blocks:
Here are some instructions on attaching your Quilt Label– The life of riley- Applying a Quilt Label
This is part of the 52 UFO Quilt Block Pick Up seriesneed more ideas on what to do with your UFO Quilt Blocks? previous weeks and UFO Quilt Block ideas
If you are sewing along with us and making up something with your UFO Quilt Blocks {even if you find your own way of sewing them together} we would all love a little peeksee! Post them in the UFO Quilt Block Photo Gallery.
If you’d like a little reminder in your email for the UFO Ideas and posts- Sign up for my weekly updates {includes a couple of free patterns right off the bat + anything new that I add. Lucky you!} Remind me of the 52 UFO Quilt Block Pick Up and other Sew Alongs!
Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
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