A couple of years ago I ran into Kate at Quilt Market….and since then we continue to run into each other at quilt market 🙂
She is one talented gal and has fabulous book (Smash your precut stash). Her pattern designs are simple…but have a look of complication to them. Don’t be afraid though, she has explained any confusing parts very well— so her patterns are great for picking up and just sewing. You know they will turn out just as they say they will!
A little bit about Kate-
Take a listen to the interview:
About the project for the quilt group:
Five Carat Gem is a design I have been playing around with for a while. I love blocks that, when you rotate them different ways, they create different looks. I have done quite a few patterns that have one block that can be set different ways. Using solids was a great way to showcase the design; a bold and graphic look.
Download the Pattern: member only- join or login here to access
Materials List:
Fabric A- dark purple- ⅜ yard
Fabric B- white- 3 ½ yards
Fabric C- medium purple- ½ yard
Fabric D- dark blue- ¾ yard
Fabric E- medium blue- 1 yard
Fabric F- bright green (includes binding) – 1 â… yards
Backing fabric- 4 â… yards
Enjoy her interview and trunk show:
How did you get your start in sewing?
I started sewing as a child; I took Home Ec classes in Junior high and just kept sewing!
What inspires you?
So many things- I wish I was a painter as I am just in awe of the beauty in nature. Since I don’t paint, I take photos of flowers and other scenery. I love going to art museums and botanical gardens for inspiration. Sometimes I am inspired by architecture when just wandering around.
Do you have a favorite notion?
Who doesn’t love their rotary cutter? And those Clover binding clips? Genius! And I have a love/hate relationship with Jack- my seam ripper. The 2 notions that have truly helped me piece so much better are my Sew Steady table around my machine and the Sewing Edge vinyl stops by Marci Baker for C&T Publishing.
Quirky Fun little thing about yourself:
I like to name things- like my cars, my sewing machines (and my seam ripper). And I talk to my cat like she is a person. She often meows back.
What’s happened lately that we can check out~
I am going to Quilt Market in St Louis MO this month and will introduce 7 new patterns so be on the look out for those on my website.
And, I am working on my second book with C&T Publishing! My first book is Smash Your Precut Stash.
I don’t know what my second book will be called but I can’t wait to see it! It won’t be out for over a year- the process is long but I am excited to see it evolve.
Watch for my new class coming up in Craftsy as well!
Where can you find her?
Book – Smash your precut stash
Have a question for her? Drop it in the comments!
This is an interview with the monthly guest designer for the online quilt group. You can find more info on it here: www.iaquilters.com as well as become a member for full access to all patterns by guest designers, block of the months and more.
It’s open year round- -join anytime for full access.
Plus, everything is online- no packing, traveling required.

Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
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