You’ll find the Gift Tracking Binder with over 45 pages, just the thing to get you started and keep you organized during any gift giving season. Ready to get those gifts under control?! If you are finding yourself with notes everywhere, lists on random pieces of papers and in the end you’re not sure what present goes to what person- this is for you!
There are seriously times when I have scattered around in the house or garage – secret boxes-
They hold the secret presents and gifts for others. They have sometimes random things in them and sometimes they are clearly for one person.
While I have that pretty much under control (in my own fashion- do you do this too?), the actual part of remembering what goes to whom is NOT working.
Gift tracking is tricky for me!!
I always put off writing it down– because I’ll remember that. For sure I will!
But, in the end and the reality of the whole thing: I won’t. I won’t remember.
So, because of all of that….here are a few things that I’ve learned this past little bit that hopefully will help you figure out planning gift tracking and giving.
5 Ways to make Gift Tracking & Planning actually Succeed!
1- come up with a system. This may sound basic, but I’ve found that I do one thing, then do another thing and then go back doing the first thing. It is seriously a mess. Nothing is the same. I am kind of winging it every year or every time there is a need for a present. I end up asking a ton of questions over and over again…what size are you? what color is your favorite? oh, I thought you wanted….no?
yeah. that’s me! Coming up with a system on how to handle gifts and tracking so much better. Even if it’s a simple thing like a notebook in your purse or stuck to the inside of your cupboard. Whatever you choose to use or do- keep with it so it becomes a habit.
2- write things down- I know this is almost as simple as the first one! But, writing things down has saved my bacon a lot of times. Even with my stash box system, I find that if I have it on a list – I can review it and then notice that I’m either missing something or that I only have 1 thing and I needed 3 or whatever. No matter where you keep the list: the gift tracker binder or on your phone or whatever. Have a place where your ideas and thoughts can live.
3- have a specific spot for those gifts- While having a box or two random in the house where I dump things that I buy is great…sometimes I forget where those are. Having one space and using it year after year really is helpful. My family is pretty good with not sneaking looks, lucky me because sometimes they are in plain site! It’s not always possible to plan ahead when you buy the gifts— or when you finish your gift if it’s homemade. So, having a place where you can stash them until they are needed really is helpful.
4- ask others to help you by writing it down for themselves! I have my kids fill out or load up an amazon store with links, pictures, descriptions or whatever they want! Does it mean they get it all? No. But it gives me a good spot to jump off from. If I was super on top of things, I’d have them fill this out way before the holiday or birthday- but I’m not. So it’s usually last minute. I need to do better with this for sure.
5- know your options- online, apps for lists, amazon or other store lists, etc. Don’t go crazy with this though because then you’ll be searching all over the apps and other lists to figure out…now, where did I put this? But there are some great options out there that handle list making and having one specific to the holiday or the person is a great way to keep track of random thoughts and ideas that you get every once in awhile. .
To make it just a little bit easier – here is a Gift Tracking Binder.
It has over 45 pages that you can save to your computer and print what you’ll use.
Keeping track of your gifts, ideas & supplies can be overwhelming. This gift tracking binder will help with all of those plus keep you on track for giving those gifts on time! Don’t forget what goes to whom anymore. Use this to track it all.
The pdf file can be saved to your computer for forever use. Print off and customize to your own needs.
This 45 page gift binder includes:
- Project / Quilt Labels
- Gift Tags
- Project progress
- Gift giving list
- Make a quilt kit
- Gift Tracker
- Shopping List
- Journal pages
- Online Shopping- plus, cyber and black Friday list
- Party planning
- Blank Calendar
- Important dates / Birthday list
- Donations List
- Finished projects
- Wish List
- Notes
The pages are black and white- easy on the printer and the eyes.
If you’d like, you can color in and mark up your pages as you’d like. Load it into a binder, add to it, travel with them or whatever! Many possibilities.
Check it out here: Gift Tracking Binder
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done to hide a gift? Drop it in the comments!

Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
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