I was asked by Carol (super talented designer and friend) to participate in a little around the world blog hop. While I don’t participate in these very often, I thought it would be fun to play a long.
This week I’m headed to Quilt Market –walking the floor and networking like a crazy woman. Watch for pictures to find out who I ran into.
For the hop, there are a few questions asked…..they are about me {which I don’t speak often about} but thought –why not?! So here ya go.
What Am I working On?
I just finished up a few samples for quilt market. This is the third year that I have sent items to market to be shown off in others’ booths. Andover Fabrics is the biggest line that I design for. They have fantastic fabric. I love how different each line is and how easy the colors are to work with.
Along with that, I have been putting together a few new patterns for the Cut Loose Press pattern line at Checkers. These are wholesale patterns and can be found in your quilt stores. (ask for them if they aren’t there- they can order them). This a set of mason jar toppers. Small little rugs that fit across the top of the jar and are perfect for the giving during the Holiday season. The applique is just the right size to be in the center of the little quilt.
While at quilt market I will be on a panel during Schoolhouse for Coats&Clark….chatting thread! Totally excited about this experience, and thread.
In addition to those projects, I am also finishing up a possible book contributor and magazine project. I have been so lucky to work with some great people and find that I am growing at a great rate and it’s only because there are others who are supportive of me and my designs– like you!
How Does my work differ from others of my genre?
This question is kind of a tender one. While I do design things that get a lot of attention, my style tends to be a little ‘off’ and not looked after very often. I tend to think ‘outside of the box’ and color way beyond the lines of design. I have an interesting style that one can only describe as quirky.
I’m assuming that my awesome personality and humor carries the patterns and designs more then the designs themselves. 🙂
If you are looking for a different style. A different way of doing things…. I am your gal. I don’t tend to not follow rules. My points don’t always line up. My mix of color and prints is sometimes refered to a fashion faux pas. But, I’m happy in my place for the most part and those who come my way I welcome and greet with a smile.
Why do I write/create what I do?
I seriously love to design. I love to create. I love to look at things and figure out how to make them on my own. More than that, I love to see what others do with the designs I put out there. That usually inspires me to do something different. I am intrigued by others ideas and interpretations of my designs. A lot of time your finished project leads me to another direction or idea.
I’m thrilled when I get an email with an image of a project made, or someone has shared in the facebook group, or I hit it on the internet somewhere.
I truly love to share what I do with others- in sharing tutorials, teaching in person, chatting in class and making a whispering scene, or sketching the next best project.
How does my writing/creative process work?
I have a few sketchbooks. Usually I go through one big one per year. I keep them all and often refer to them when I am trying to come up with something new. After sketching for a bit and coming up with an idea, I hit the fabrics in the sewing cottage. I dig through and find what I need and then off I go to sew it up.
I take pictures and lots of notes along the way. It might take a bit to get from the beginning to end….and sometimes even when it’s finished it takes even longer to get it into a tutorial or pattern.
The design process is a lot funner to me then working out the pattern on the computer. I use a few different programs and have recently dove into EQ7 program.
After the initial pattern is done, I send it off to an awesome group of testers and get feedback. They are my go to gals who know what needs to be tweaked, updated, or numbers counted again.
Because I have been busy with preping for Quilt Market, I didn’t get around to asking anyone to participate….but if you check out Carol’s post, you’ll find a few links to move you right along and find someone new to follow.
Thank you Carol for the invite, and for letting me enjoy your fabric. You are the best!
For more about me you can check out this page.
Becky Jorgensen is the creative quilter behind Patchwork Posse, the Patchwork Planner and her online quilt group Patchworkers Plus. You can find her patterns in books, magazines, and her quilt membership. Gather your quilting supplies, organize your sewing space, explore the process of disappearing quilt blocks, or finish a free quilt pattern. I'll help you use what you have, finish what you start and make your quilting journey fun!
Follow me here: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
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