The birds sing good morning. I Was led to while she naps from pillipilli. She is having a making along. Of course
CrAnKy qUiLt FrIeNdShIp BlOcK
Cranky Friendship Star Block Materials: Per Block: 4 2 ½ X 2 ½ ” squares -background 2 3 ½ X 5 ½
CrAnKy QuiLt Ohio Star
Ohio Star Quilt Block – Cranky Quilt Make 7 total blocks. Finished size: 9 ½ inch X 13 inch Part #1:
i finally have some sewing things to share…..well sort of. my mom and dad went to boston this last week and i
Summer Travelers TUTORIAL
These little guys are around 9″ tall. They are perfect to snuggle with, laugh with, and to show the world too. They love to be tucked into bags, blankets, suitcases, and little people arms. They find the world facinating and want to see and experience it all. Use scraps to get this patchwork crafts made. It is an easy pattern for beginners and maybe even for little sewers who are just starting out.
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CrAnKy QuILt BaSkEt BlOcK
Basket Quilt Block- Cranky Quilt For EACH Block you will need: 1- 7 inch X 6 inch blocks —- Background 1- 8
Cranky Quilt- PinWheel
PINWHEEL BLOCK – cranky quilt For EACH Block you will need: 2- 5 inch X 5 inch blocks —- Background 2- 5
Doily Pin Cushion Tutorial
This doily pin cushion is the cutest! It features a simple doily on top…could be even hand made if you crochet! Add